hubibeijing 发表于 2010-8-31 22:30

about house

I will arrive in Hamilton, I want to buy house in Mountain, o in Ancaster, which one is better for childern and old man?

one 发表于 2010-8-31 22:51

回复 1# hubibeijing

    在首页看看, 有不少房地产经纪呢

杨琴 发表于 2010-9-2 11:20

I will arrive in Hamilton, I want to buy house in Mountain, o in Ancaster, which one is better for c ...
hubibeijing 发表于 2010-8-31 22:30



不同点,山上westmountain有一流的westmount高中,但该校的教育特点是自学型,充分发挥天才少年的能力,对小孩自觉性要求很高,如果小孩比较调皮任性的,这样的好学校可能会适得其反。另外,westmount高中对外一般不提供校车服务,只对极少数残疾和天才学生提供。所以家里在未来几年内有要上westmount高中的小孩,就要westmountain大区里选公车方便的小区。westmountain比较ancaster对老人有一个优势就是近chedoke医院,离山下downtown的医院也很方便,经过最近northyork那起华人老人中风因为送错医院延误治疗的事件后,家有老人的同胞要注意选医院买房。ancaster的老区环境幽静,但公车很少,对有老人,喜欢热闹的家庭可能就不方便,比较理想是ancaster的meadowlands小区,房龄10年左右,除了有三个公园,南面正在建池塘,北面就有costco和homedepot的大型超市,多条公车去dundas,麦大和westmountain。根据我的了解,今年开始就读ancaster meadowlands的初中生将直接就读著名的ancaster high高中,并有大型新校车接送,家长更放心。


Andy 发表于 2010-9-4 23:59

回复 1# hubibeijing


It really depends on personal taste and financial affordability whether to buy on the mountain or Ancaster. Generally, Mountain is more economical. You get a better house for the same price if you choose mountain over Ancaster. The older areas in Ancaster have many big trees and green space. Houses all have bigger lots. But it's not very convenient without a car. Meadowlands area is popular for its nice newer houses and convenience to shopping, highway access, public transition, schooling etc but houses are closer together with less trees.

It's better to look at both areas and decides what house in which area suits you better. I can defenitely help finding you an ideal home.

Hamilton Mountain is divided as central,east and west three regions, ancaster is west of mountain west. So mountain west and ancaster is very close to each other, houses in ancaster is newer, bigger and more expensive.

javayoung 发表于 2010-11-10 10:20

这两个区各有优点,都是好区,westmountain也分南北,林肯以北更成熟,尤其靠近chedoke医院最是无敌山景 ...
杨琴 发表于 2010-9-2 11:20


znccz 发表于 2010-11-11 17:20


javayoung 发表于 2010-11-30 11:24


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依旧风采 发表于 2013-11-19 20:36

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