jay 发表于 2023-3-10 18:27


【如何看待三国声明?伊朗谈判代表回应】3月10日晚,中国、沙特、伊朗在北京发表联合声明。伊朗和沙特达成协议,包括同意恢复双边外交关系,并表示愿意尽一切努力,加强地区和平与安全。《凤凰大参考》收到一段伊朗伊斯兰共和国广播电视台的采访伊朗谈判代表、伊朗最高国家安全委员会秘书阿里·沙姆哈尼的视频。伊朗谈判代表沙姆哈尼回应称:近期伊朗伊斯兰共和国总统莱希阁下近期对中国进行国事访问以及与中国领导人会晤之后,伊朗欢迎中方提出的与沙特缓和关系的建议。至于今天的协议,我到中国进行了6天的谈判,很高兴我们与沙特的代表达成了一致。在中断外交关系7年之后,伊朗和沙特的关系开启了一个新的季节。我们希望这一协议可以对两国和地区国家的发展、和平、稳定发挥作用,也能够防止域外的武力干涉。以下是伊朗伊斯兰驻华大使馆提供的原文:Mr.Shankani Iran chief of National security council:https://x0.ifengimg.com/feprod/c/feprod/c/ifengimcp/pic/20210108/3677f2773fd79f12b079_size1_w56_h34.pnghttps://x0.ifengimg.com/feather/images/61695/2023/03/03/16778396935523355.jpg

Following recent visits of his Excellency Mr Ebrahim Raisi presidents of the Islamic republic of Iran to China and negotiations of the leaders of two countries Iran president welcomed the Chinese side suggestion for reconciliation with Saudi Arabia.Regarding this agreement I traveled to China and after 6 days of negotiations with my Saudi counterpart gladly we achieved an agreement to open a new season in the relation of Iran and Saudi Arabia after 7 years of cutting diplomatic relationship.We hope this agreements can contribute to the benefits and peace and stability of two countries and all the nations of region and also prevent transregional forces interference .

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