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19岁少女控告校长性骚扰后 被活活烧死









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发表于 2019-4-19 22:10 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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保险经纪:Jonathan Mu






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* M3 s8 G5 W) q
2 G( I( O' Q, P& P( }/ ?7 [+ I3 n也许你以为火刑这种野蛮残酷的刑法只是中世纪的恐怖故事。都9102年了,文明都那么发达了,哪里还会有这样的事。! U- R. x4 D3 o: h& u" L* q5 @
! a! E" r+ G1 j原因就是她去警察局,揭发了对自己性骚扰的校长。  u5 ^+ |. L7 H: b: S2 y- L4 E+ J
Via Familyhandout
Nusrat Jahan Rafi was doused with kerosene and set on fire at her school in Bangladesh. Less than two weeks earlier, she had filed a sexual harassment complaint against her headmaster.
, N* b/ w3 B' S& h在孟加拉国的一所学校里,Nusrat Jahan Rafi被煤油浸湿后,被点燃。不到两周前,她向警控诉了她校长的性骚扰。
; }: q: R8 {/ A! a" U" d8 G19岁的Nusrat在一所伊斯兰教学校上学。3月27日,她的校长把她叫进办公室,多次不恰当地触摸她的身体。在事情失控之前,Nusrat逃了出去。
* P! t8 U' i. h% p, K. V( v在孟加拉国这样一个国家,许多女孩和年轻妇女经受性骚扰或虐待后会选择仍气吞声,以免被社会或家人羞辱。
: }& D" {0 S9 U4 t+ S7 B但是Nusrat 却没有这样做。她不仅仅是说出来了当天经历,而且在家人的帮助下去了警察局。) P; W4 \0 v0 P3 A$ [7 h2 v
Victims often face judgement from their communities, harassment, in person and online, and in some cases violent attacks. Nusrat went on to experience all of these.
  O9 O6 ~- Y# X9 Z$ G# F" @1 F  b受害者经常面临来自社区的审判,骚扰,网上和现实生活中的攻击,在某些情况下还可能遭遇暴力袭击。不幸的是这些Nusrat都体验到了。
+ ?$ N2 u( ?+ o# P& n4 X在她报警后警方拘捕了校长,但是事情并没有这样结束,而是Nusrat噩梦的开始。
+ h: K+ q2 r# `/ j: z! u. wA group of people gathered in the streets demanding his release. The protest had been arranged by two male students and local politicians were allegedly in attendance. People began to blame Nusrat. Her family say they started to worry about her safety.+ L" r' y1 Q  b% r7 w
一群人聚集在街头要求释放校长。抗议活动由两名男学生发起,当地政界人士据称也参加了抗议活动。人们开始责怪Nusrat 。她的家人也开始担心她的安全。) l5 A! O/ v6 B- m, m1 [
尽管面对各方压力和质疑,Nusrat 还是坚持在4月6号那天去参加期末考试,然而等待她的却是一场惨无人道的猎杀。: r. Q$ w0 z3 n* q, G- {/ r
她昔日的同学们合谋把她骗到天台,逼迫她撤销对校长的控诉,遭到拒绝后他们在她身上浇上煤油,点火,活生生地将她烧死。! K+ U2 {- v" W+ C
According to a statement given by Nusrat, a fellow female student took her to the roof of the school, saying one of her friends was being beaten up. When Nusrat reached the rooftop four or five people, wearing burqas, surrounded her and allegedly pressured her to withdraw the case against the headmaster. When she refused, they set her on fire.
4 O( u/ w/ Q* Q5 R3 L4 M# Y根据Nusrat去世前的口述,一名女同学将她带到学校的屋顶,说她的一个朋友被殴打。当Nusrat到达屋顶时,四五个人穿着罩袍,围着她。据称他们迫使她撤回对校长的控诉。当她拒绝后,他们把她烧死了。
; Q' q, B$ ?) b2 \8 q" o( X凶手试图“让现场看起来像自杀”。但是他们的计划失败了。在凶手逃离现场后,Nusrat 被援救,在去世前留下了口供。
. d% O3 c7 f0 ~. p% A: KIn the ambulance, fearing she might not survive, she recorded a statement on her brother's mobile phone.
1 M3 ]0 n1 w( N% A  Q" [在救护车里,由于担心她可能无法生存,她在哥哥的手机上录下了一份声明。
5 G. V2 @4 P4 F5 i' A"The teacher touched me, I will fight this crime till my last breath," you can hear her say. She also identified some of her attackers as students at the madrassa.
$ w6 B, s- n9 f7 {+ `6 J“老师摸了我,我只要还剩最后一口气,就会揭露这个罪行。”她说道。她还指认出了袭击她的学生。# ~# }% I1 z% A2 N& M4 v' Y
因为烧伤面积达到80%,Nusrat 最终没能活下来。她的死也震动了孟加拉国上上下下。数千人参加了她的葬礼。- F2 d# d* B6 g/ W" T. M" y7 r
Via Shahadat Hossain
Police have since arrested 15 people, seven of them allegedly involved in the murder. Among those arrested are the two male students who organised the protest in support of the headmaster.
3 p$ y( f/ n6 Z: [2 `警方拘捕了15人,其中7人涉及谋杀案。包括两名支持校长、参与抗议活动的男学生。
4 g6 a; E0 N: R$ b7 Y' m这件事情也惊动了孟加拉国的总理。" \  k+ L" u8 w% _3 O0 m
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina met Nusrat's family in Dhaka and promised that every person involved in the killing would be bought to justice.
% h9 k( `! y. e$ t/ V' j/ b( v孟加拉国总理谢赫·哈西娜会见了Nusrat的家人,保证把每一个涉案的人捉拿归案。& }9 `8 |8 S. T9 h0 _8 E1 X
Nusrat's family Via Getty Images
Nusrat's death has sparked protests and thousands have used social media to express their anger about both her case and the treatment of sexual assault victims in Bangladesh.
* Z" K( j( W) k' L* fNusrat的死也引发了抗议活动。数千人在社交媒体对Nusrat的遭遇和孟加拉国性骚扰受害者的遭遇表示愤慨。) m: P; t0 M8 t" B
According to women's rights group Bangladesh Mahila Parishad, there were 940 incidents of rape in Bangladesh in 2018. But researchers say the real number is likely to be much higher.
  f; }4 Y0 s* z+ D' J8 |, {4 W$ d0 q* E根据女性权利组织Bangladesh Mahila Parishad,在2018年孟加拉国发生了940起强奸案件,但是研究人员表示,实际数量可能更多。
5 v; {! {: n" b0 ^- Z希望这样的悲剧不要再上演。' S) u. x9 e9 H2 _

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[责任编辑:郑学友 PX066]
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