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近市中心和 McMaster大学 新装修2 卧室 Apartment 半地下室,自9月1日起出租。1 分钟步行到公交站,所有公交车 1,5,51路 和 Go Bus 均经过,几分钟一趟,而且这些公交车10分钟内到麦大校园内,去大学非常方便。靠近 Starbucks, Tim Hortons, McDonalds, Fortinos, Nations, Shoppers, Gym and Pubs; 成熟区域的新房。每间卧室和厨房都光线充足。
厨房配有餐桌椅,新装修卫浴。交通十分便捷。月租金1290 包水电暖,中央空调和 WI-FI 。诚招爱干净,不吸烟,不养宠物,安静的房客。租期12个月。
联系人: Fred Wang
电话 或短信 9059209858,微信(WeChat) 19059209858 email:wang669@gmail.com
Newly renovated 2-bedroom apartment at lower level located in the prestigious shopping and recreational area of Locke Street, prime location, steps to HSR bus station and GO bus stop on Main Street, minutes to Locke Street restaurants, shops and markets. Newly Renovated, newest house in the entire neighborhood. Features large driveway,free WI-FI. central heating and central A/C. Walk to Starbucks, Tim Hortons, McDonalds, Fortinos, Nations, Shoppers, Gym and Pubs; 2 mins to highway entrances. No smoking, no pet. Minimum 12 months lease.
Available Sept 1, 2020
Rent: $1290(Utilities included)
Call or text at 905-920-9858 WeChat:19059209858
Email wang669@gmail.com