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Avoid Drinking Fresh Sugar Cane Juice‏









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发表于 2010-9-2 10:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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保险经纪:Jonathan Mu






本帖最后由 hijames 于 2015-8-31 21:12 编辑 " p$ f0 d7 o7 `/ e$ f( p) Z) W9 m èèè1 i& B g4 U1 b2 P7 ] ǔǔǔ, h$ j8 j0 B+ T5 |! v

避免饮用新鲜甘蔗水 / _$ I, H5 c' k0 x( FAvoid Drinking Fresh Sugar Cane Juice, k/ F1 N, }9 F F+ U , G5 v* z+ Y; ~: c3 \ % x: T* ]; s( x! Y ; ~9 e/ t' U) H请花2分钟来读这篇报道,这是我朋友传给我的,他爸是在新加坡的卫生局工作。 ~9 X& X5 j2 D* I1 ^ Please take 2 mins to read this. 4 e3 b# W/ P9 F5 K, L: B This email was sent by a friend whose father is working with the Ministry of the Environment in S'pore. w1 ^' E+ ?% ~; W4 n* ? i0 z2 k6 f& H+ S# Q 1 Z- X$ ^5 R" p7 J4 L# k+ L 健康报道 - 有关甘蔗饮料 / x+ P6 Y0 _1 ]4 NHealth News - About Sugar Cane Drinks * ~- n/ U$ C6 T) v( J3 W1 q$ [% ]; T' U. R& p; p - s4 g$ D' {1 d' T朋友的父亲替政府卫生检查工作, 是他把这项信息传开的。 ) @5 \) | q4 r# F; l他们的工作就是要检查小贩的卫生(包刮食物,环境卫生等等)。7 X. t; b ]: H, M 他们发现甘蔗水是最不卫生的,它含有超标的细菌。& ?: f" ]: e% U A friend whose father works for the government health inspection passed on his info. 9 ^8 i4 r: N) a/ k9 p& FTheir job is to inspect all hawkers, their cooked food, their store hygiene, etc. 2 [9 t4 K2 y8 A, M* ^They found sugar cane juice has the highest content of bacteria 2 ~3 F( K& g" W& i1 Q6 iamong all food. In fact, it has exceeded the set limit. . N5 \' p& H1 J% u# l$ U( M* _" C# [' k. d, \! i* a* t9 V) h; X 从此,: {5 D {8 B8 O4 R" _ 他们必须找出原因。$ ?# n0 j+ E; ?1 Y 他们去了所有的甘蔗摊子查看小贩们怎么处理甘蔗,洗杯子与及整个过程。 & r# I0 j& K+ B# [) E可是查不出什么来。# w0 f- Z( x( ^ Hence, these guys had to find out why. ; q; @$ w8 r4 n+ J' IThey went round all sugar cane stores and watched the way the hawkers handled" I& x2 W3 m9 n. k their sugar cane, wash their glasses, their entire procedure. 8 J+ k/ {2 b( L' z! T; nBut they couldn't find the problem.% S [' _7 m- @ / t0 ]6 A- v3 V7 [有一天,他们逗留直到摊子收摊,结果发现骇人的事实。 ! l/ e+ |0 B3 J, WOne day, they stayed till closing time and discovered some shocking facts! 5 U o5 B2 j4 ? J- t0 y ! Y" l6 o5 D6 t: T) v" X 每当摊主在收摊后就会用洗洁剂来洗地板。 # }4 }+ ]: B, d$ Y# b/ Y4 h想想,其余的甘蔗多数是竖立的放在摊子旁边,它的下部肯定是接触到地面。 % s# `* R- X- ]* _/ z( P; L: ~甘蔗是多孔的,可想而知,甘蔗就会吸收所有周边的水。 , [9 ` P8 T7 M" E' @# H% K9 N除了肥皂水,小贩们鞋底的污物,猫的尿尿等等,都会被吸收。, \0 x, k- y! I; R) o$ c9 E 到了第二天,老板就会拿那些渣成水来卖。. E. }2 \6 T1 `) b: s Whenever, the hawkers closed their stores, they would wash the floor with detergent..) c2 r6 x8 I$ ]% \/ p, S As we know, the remaining sugar canes will be placed at the back of the store,# U- B5 W9 h0 d7 v vertically standing and as sugar canes are very porous, they tend to absorb whatever liquid around them. m/ m5 Y. k5 L& v6 zBesides the soapy water, the dirt on hawkers' boots, cats' urine, etc, will all be absorbed?? 2 N+ W+ E& E5 Z- R- O6 }# e% F 1 j. R' B. A5 |1 T3 Y2 N* D看了这篇文章,每当我在小贩中心进食,我都会劝告我的朋友关于甘蔗水的事,我还会停止饮用我最爱的~甘蔗水。 6 }2 `' j4 V. q: m- hNow, whenever I eat at a hawker centre, I would warn all my friends about this7 m2 p8 n+ w: P! @3 ? and of course I stopped drinking my favorite sugar cane juice.1 J6 Y* N8 t# j' h" I {/ V3 O ; Q$ ~; G4 s) m z( q 1 f! V V. \$ u' q! N& r* R/ H 还有一个超爱喝甘蔗水的朋友,她怀孕了, 还时常喝甘蔗水。: w7 M6 L1 i7 Q* G 有一天,她流产了,而且胎儿已经六、七个月。" s3 `$ v0 I" z" o$ Z 当医生做尸检以找出胎死腹中的原因,医生发现有大量化学物质的痕迹亦出现在猫尿。 ' |' Z; c6 ^3 LA friend, who loved sugar cane juice, was pregnant. She was always drinking sugar cane juice.5 u( U7 t$ p' i: E Anyway, one day she miscarried and the fetus was already like 6 or 7 months old. , }4 ~8 }6 d8 u1 _( b! B5 vWhen the doctors did an autopsy to find out why all of a sudden the fetus had died inside her. 6 {& {% y% m& L/ W9 F& o# YThey found traces of some chemical substance, which was found in cat urine... $ N& U0 t, `4 y! G! aLarge traces of it.! c! B4 e3 E/ o- u* K8 @5 t 0 [/ C- I9 ^- m3 l6 g# C当它不会对成人构成危害,但对婴孩却是有毒的。更何况胎儿?, R# _8 a# w4 l/ r3 t& p$ {- o q While it would not be able to harm adults, it was extremely toxic to babies, what more a fetus?4 j6 T. J1 ~! Z 1 p4 V# U7 S# [4 F) [) b所以他们尝试确定为何这些猫尿会出现在胎儿。 i1 U5 c6 _, P# ]# L4 A& c 这意味着猫尿被母体吃进并消化了,不是吗?0 [1 D2 x7 K# i' S# L- P 他们得出的最逻辑结论就是小贩把甘蔗放在潮湿且肮脏的地板,而不可能假设杂散的猫尿尿在甘蔗上或其周围。 " s3 R9 l3 R5 b8 b所以,下次你购买最爱的甘蔗水前,想清楚。。。% _8 M3 A' j: f6 T, i2 e" }1 z So they tried to determine how this cat urine thing could have ended up in the fetus.& z2 J( d5 d5 c- s* M This meant that it had to be digested by the mother, right? 4 J( Q' ]4 z- S f0 X6 @ |And the only logical conclusion they could come up with was that since these sugar cane juice stall $ e* {! x* u/ i0 f0 dholders just leave the canes lying around on the wet and dirty floor,+ }8 H4 D+ J( u it would not be impossible to think that stray cats could have peed on those sugar canes or near those9 H+ i/ D3 ^" V sugar canes. So think carefully the next time you order that favorite sugar cane juice!/ d& I2 F( Q! e3 E# X+ q( `- \1 K 5 u4 k8 V Z* e" G0 Y: M$ m 请转发给所有新马的朋友。% r" u* K: _) h8 z; c 一起行动让这世界变得更好及安全,以迎接下一代的到来。。。 $ a5 t) }5 A$ ^6 X7 @1 X6 D& C/ iPlease pass this on to everyone you know in S'pore & M'sia.' y+ _2 e2 \# {+ e Let's take action to make this world a better & safer place for all of us & the generations to come..

* I" y; ~0 F) bǔǔǔ0 Z" B! q3 J$ A8 Q' I- ]7 G èèè
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