多伦多市内50个自动测速摄像头(ASE)又换位置了。这批摄像头是为了减少司机超速的现象,自2020年7月推出以来,已经第五次搬迁。 值得一提的是,新地点中北约克、Willowdale、Scarborough社区的摄像头都是华人经常出行的地点。请司机们注意。 选择ASE的地点主要是基于超速和车祸发生的数据。 多市的每个选区设有两个,用来捕捉和记录超速车辆的图像。
图源:CP24 市长庄德利在周五的声明中说:“减少超速和鲁莽驾驶仍然是城市道路安全的首要任务之一,我们知道,自动测速执法是一个必不可少的数据驱动工具,可以有效地改变司机的行为,保护我们脆弱的道路使用者。我们知道,当这些测速摄像头增加时,司机会减速。” 多市表示,已按照省级要求在所有新地点张贴了警告标志,提前提醒司机。 据统计,从今年1月到3月,这50台设备共发放了超过74600张罚单。 今年1月共有21681张罚单,其中位于达D'Arcy Street以北,Beverley Street上的ASE设备发放的罚单最多,达到2772张。1月份共有1632名多次违规者。 今年2月,这些摄像头发出25666张罚单,Beverley Street的同一设备再次发出最多罚单,占所有罚单的19%。2月份有1788名多次违规者。 3月共发出27290张罚单,其中10%的罚单来自Caribou Road以南的Avenue Road上一台设备。3月份有1963名多次违规者。 自该项目启动以来,检测到最高的超速在Garfella Drive以北的Martin Grove Road 50 km/h限速区内,违规者的速度达146 km/h。 超速驾驶的司机必须支付罚款,但不会被扣分。 以上是50个新地点: 1. Martin Grove Road north of Rampart Road (Etobicoke North) 2. Redgrave Drive west of Martin Grove Road (Etobicoke North) 3. Royal York Road north of La Rose Avenue (Etobicoke Centre) 4. Mill Road north of Burnhamthorpe Road (Etobicoke Centre) 5. The East Mall south of Faludon Court (Etobicoke-Lakeshore) 6. Ourland Avenue near Merriday Street (Etobicoke-Lakeshore) 7. Parkside Drive south of Algonquin Avenue (Parkdale-High Park) 8. Runnymede Road north of Colbeck Street (Parkdale-High Park) 9. Scarlett Road south of Ellins Avenue (York South-Weston) 10. Gary Drive near Deerhurst Avenue (York South-Weston) 11. Dufferin Street north of Stanstead Drive (York Centre) 12. Stilecroft Drive west of Sharpecroft Boulevard (York Centre) 13. Weston Road near Coronado Court (Humber River-Black Creek) 14. Spenvalley Drive near Whitbread Crescent (Humber River-Black Creek) 15. Dufferin Street south of Claver Avenue (Eglinton-Lawrence) 16. Orfus Road west of Dufferin Street (Eglinton-Lawrence) 17. Rogers Road near 382 Rogers Rd. (Davenport) 18. Dufferin Street south of Dufferin Park Avenue (Davenport) 19. Denison Avenue south of Grange Avenue (Spadina-Fort York) 20. Brant Street south of Adelaide Street West (Spadina-Fort York) 21. Spadina Avenue south of Bloor Street West (University-Rosedale) 22. Manning Avenue south of Lennox Street (University-Rosedale) 23. Street Clair Avenue West near Crang Avenue (Toronto-St. Paul’s) 24. Warren Road north of Lonsdale Road (Toronto-St. Paul’s) 25. Carlton Street near Homewood Avenue (Toronto Centre) 26. Shuter Street east of Sackville Street (Toronto Centre) 27. O'Connor Drive west of Lankin Boulevard (Toronto-Danforth) 28. Cosburn Avenue near Roosevelt Road (Toronto-Danforth) 29. York Mills Road west of Banbury Road (Don Valley West) 30. Park Lane Circle near 60 Park Lane Cir. (Don Valley West) 31. The Donway East north of Greenland Road (Don Valley East) 32. The Donway west near Duncairn Road (Don Valley East) 33. McNicoll Avenue near Sexton Crescent (Don Valley North) 34. Don Mills Road south of Freshmeadow Drive (Don Valley North) 35. Finch Avenue East near Manorcrest Drive (Willowdale) 36. Churchill Avenue west of Abbotsford Road (Willowdale) 37. Street Clair Avenue East west of Marilyn Crescent (Beaches-East York) 38. Kingston Road near Glen Manor Drive (Beaches-East York) 39. Danforth Avenue east of Birchmount Road (Scarborough Southwest) 40. Corvette Avenue near Cleta Drive (Scarborough Southwest) 41. Pharmacy Avenue north of Sherwood Avenue (Scarborough Centre) 42. Antrim Crescent near 11 Antrim Cres. (Scarborough Centre) 43. Pharmacy Avenue near 2300 Pharmacy Ave. (Scarborough-Agincourt) 44. Dunmurray Boulevard near Groomsport Crescent (Scarborough-Agincourt) 45. Sandhurst Circle north of Finch Avenue East (Scarborough North) 46. Seasons Drive east of Oasis Boulevard (Scarborough North) 47. Morningside Avenue near Warnsworth Street (Scarborough-Guildwood) 48. Galloway Road near Coronation Drive (Scarborough-Guildwood) 49. Brenyon Way near 200 Brenyon Way (Scarborough-Rouge Park) 50. Old Finch Avenue west of Littles Road (Scarborough-Rouge Park) 参考链接: https://www.cp24.com/news/here-are-the-new-locations-where-toronto-is-installing-50-speed-cameras-1.5892023 |
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