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U.S. tariff removal on Chinese goods to benefit all: commerce ministry

2022-6-26 05:31| 发布者: leedell| 查看: 126| 评论: 0|原作者: Li Yan|来自: Xinhua

摘要: The Chinese side always holds that the removal of all extra tariffs imposed on Chinese goods by the United States will benefit both countries and the world, the Ministry of Commerce said Thursday.Give ...

The Chinese side always holds that the removal of all extra tariffs imposed on Chinese goods by the United States will benefit both countries and the world, the Ministry of Commerce said Thursday.

Given the current situation of soaring inflation, the sooner the U.S. side lifts its additional tariffs on Chinese goods, the sooner consumers and businesses will benefit, the ministry's spokesperson Shu Jueting told a press briefing.

The two sides should meet each other halfway and make joint efforts to create an atmosphere and conditions for economic and trade cooperation and maintain the stability of global industrial and supply chains to benefit the people of the two countries and the world at large, Shu said.


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