2023-1-22 22:26| 发布者: leedell| 查看: 143| 评论: 0|来自: 加国无忧
加拿大保守党领袖博励治(Pierre Poilievre)今天在卑诗省庆祝农历新年和迎接兔年。他参加了温哥华市唐人街的春节游行,与民同乐,并来到列治文市一间商场,向民众派发红包。
Great turnout at the Spring Festival Parade through Vancouver’s Chinatown.Can’t imagine a better way to kick off the new year celebrations. pic.twitter.com/VHpZINAG49— Pierre Poilievre (@PierrePoilievre) January 22, 2023
Great turnout at the Spring Festival Parade through Vancouver’s Chinatown.Can’t imagine a better way to kick off the new year celebrations. pic.twitter.com/VHpZINAG49
Celebrating Lunar New Year and welcoming the year of the Rabbit in Richmond, BC with some great company.On behalf of the Conservative Party, wishing everyone a year of prosperity and good health. pic.twitter.com/BIbQpVK2AN— Pierre Poilievre (@PierrePoilievre) January 22, 2023
Celebrating Lunar New Year and welcoming the year of the Rabbit in Richmond, BC with some great company.On behalf of the Conservative Party, wishing everyone a year of prosperity and good health. pic.twitter.com/BIbQpVK2AN
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