【本网讯】Tina编译报道:今日早晨,哈密尔顿的哥伦比亚国际学院的同学及老师们将沉浸在悲痛之中,上周五晚上该校一名学生不幸丧生。 这名16岁的学生名为彭康舜(Peng Kangshun),来自中国,周五晚在横过位于Duff St的Upper James时被一辆客货两用车(Van)撞倒,不幸身亡。
为了提升英语水平, 10月16号他来到哥伦比亚国际学院 学习,到达哈密尔顿仅十天便遇难了。 警方表示恶劣的天气和路面的状况是造成事故的主要因素,相关部门正在进一步调查之中。 62岁的箱式客户两用车(Van)司机来自Caledonia,但目前还未有下达任何指控。 哥伦比亚学院在1年多的时间内,已经有2名学生死于交通事故。去年9月,20岁的女同学Jiao Shi Qi也是在过马路时,死于交通事故。 Jiao Shi Qi 相关报道链接: http://www.hamiltonchinese.com/?action-viewnews-itemid-18894 http://www.hamiltonchinese.com/?action-viewnews-itemid-18907
事发现场人员的留言: 【Indie99】So sad My husband,son and I were right there after this young man was hit checking his pulse, covering him to keep him warm and calling 911, unfortunately to no avail. Wish we could have done more. So sad. Our hearts go out to his family. I can't imagine getting that phone call. Rest in peace, Peng. 其他留言: 【 abbas72】R I P This is a very sad news .The school should educate international students about the road crossing rules, I have seen some of this wonderful students cross very carelessly, around crown plaza, 100 main east and 728 sanatorium, the city should have a flashing cross lights like toronto.I drive a taxi and I get to see this everyday. |