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Chinese researchers make breakthrough in study of nuclear technology: report

2018-1-7 06:09| 发布者: leedell| 查看: 67| 评论: 0|来自: Xinhua

摘要: Chinese researchers have developed the world's top high intensity neutron generator, a breakthrough in the study of nuclear technology, the Science and Technology Daily reported. The generator, devel ...

Chinese researchers have developed the world's top high intensity neutron generator, a breakthrough in the study of nuclear technology, the Science and Technology Daily reported.

The generator, developed by researchers at the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, is a vital platform for studying the application of nuclear power and nuclear technology, according to the report.

The achievement has been published by the International Journal of Energy Research, the report said.

The neutron energy spectrum generated by the equipment can faithfully reproduce the complex neutron environment in advanced nuclear power systems, the report said.

The generator is therefore important for studying neutron physics and advanced nuclear technology, as well as developing new nuclear power systems, according to the report.


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