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Two scientists win China's top science award

2018-1-8 06:09| 发布者: leedell| 查看: 81| 评论: 0|来自: Xinhua

摘要: Combo photo of Wang Zeshan(L) and Hou Yunde. Two Chinese scientists, explosives expert Wang Zeshan and virologist Hou Yunde, won China's top science award Monday for their outstanding contribution ...
Combo photo of Wang Zeshan(L) and Hou Yunde.

Combo photo of Wang Zeshan(L) and Hou Yunde.

Two Chinese scientists, explosives expert Wang Zeshan and virologist Hou Yunde, won China's top science award Monday for their outstanding contributions to scientific and technological innovation.

President Xi Jinping presented award certificates to them at an annual ceremony held in Beijing to honor distinguished scientists and research achievements.

Other leaders, including Li Keqiang, Zhang Gaoli and Wang Huning, were also present at the ceremony.


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